Saturday, April 30, 2011

Visitation and Exploration

Jonny and I journeyed over to the other side one day and we had a great discovery:) We stopped at Whole Foods- which JUST opened here last year (Maui is a little behind the times). Jonny enjoyed perusing the gourmet food and beautifully prepared health food. We got some nom noms and drove along the coast to find a beach to eat at.

The beach we ended up at turned out to be a very popular surfing beach. It was fun to watch the locals tear it up. There's not much surfing on West side so it was great to see the local culture.

As promised, more friends came to visit! It's always nice when others come visit us, because we experience more of the touristy things with them, since we don't have the time or energy to it do on our own when we have time off.

This past week, my girlfriend from high school, Paige Aaron (previously Jennings) and her new hubby Jeremy (as of January :) stayed with us for a week. Paige and I were on dance team together and hung out in the same clique through high school. Amazingly we've stayed in touch through college. Cute aneqdote: when my dad would come to film my dance team performances, he would get Paige and I confused out on the football field thinking Paige was me. He filmed her for almost  half of a routine until he realized that he was not actually filming his daughter, it was that other tall blonde on the team! That footage was really quite funny to watch as the camera man freaks out realizing he was filming the wrong girl! On Jon's and my last hoorah in Cali before we left for Maui, we partied in Disneyland and then attended Paige and Jeremy's wedding in LA.

So here is a photo journey of my past week. Of course Jon is not in many photos because he had to work :(

Wine tasting
 Climbing trees
 Wedding crashers
 Nude beaches
 New love
 Baby cartwheels
 Cliff jumping

Big waves at Big Beach, Makena

Surrounded by a school of fishies!

And yes, they did stay at our place. And yes, we only have one big room studio-apartment style. And yes, it got cozy.
And yes, we got a long just fine :)

It was tricky with our biological clocks set 3 hours apart. We went to bed later, and they woke up earlier. Which, they had the harder part dealing with us up late. We had to get up early anyways for work, so that didn't bother us. I just felt bad that Jon and I go to bed a lot later than them. They headed to South Maui and got a condo in Kihei for 2 days and explored the road to Hana for a day as well. For those who have never been to Maui, Hana is the gem of Maui. Oprah even has a condo there! haha...But the only way to get there is a very windy, one lane, dangerous road. The issue: Jon and I get very car sick :( Eventually we will make it over there, take turns driving and stopping every 2 miles. But that's okay, there's something to see every 2 miles :D

Jon put in his two weeks at Plantation House. He's been unhappy there. He made fairly good money there, but he really did not like working. The management and schedule he had there didn't mesh well with him. And at Pineapple Grill he is starting to be a server for breakfast, so that now adds 4 hours to his shifts.  That gives him more time off to spend with meeeeee :)
 ::Happy dance::

I'm teaching Zumba twice a week now. At Valley Isle Fitness on Tuesday and Thursdays at 6pm. I've subbed a few classes in other time slots as well. One class I substituted for another instructor was at Sports Club Kahana with a gorgeous view. I love teaching in a Group X Room with the view of the palm trees and neighboring Islands. A Zumba party will be taking place at Sports Club Kahana free for everyone who comes! I'll be doing a few songs. A front desk employee at Valley Isle Fitness told me they've been told that the members like my class the most. Whoopie!

Picture Tidbits:

Bofu Toads. Poisonous if you lick.
Do Not Lick

... what?

Ya... those are ants. Hurray Maui!

The beach is sad from pollution

Picture taken to pay homage to the incident of a beach bird stealing a pretzel OUT OF MY HAND 3 weeks ago

Charolette's Web
Almost walked into it multiple times....
Those are baby cockroaches. Gives me chills.
They are bundled in the locker next to mine, underground my restaurant. Blah

Hawaiian Sea Salt from neighboring island Moloka'i. Pink from the red dirt :)

Sign sold at Ulupalakua Ranch Store

Maui No Ka Oi

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