Thursday, June 16, 2011

Malama na Ala

Airport Beach Day

We walked along the long walkway that connected many hotels along West Maui chatting and enjoying our beautiful marriage and time together.

Some gorgeous homes lined the beach

I pointed and said in my smoldering wifey voice
but Jon said no...

Trekkin' to the bank on the Lower Road

Why drive to the bank when you can walk and take in all of these gorgeous views!
We found a bouncy ball.
It kept us entertained

Lahaina Pali Trail

Where the Blog title comes from: Malama na Ala :means Protect the Trail
We missed the etched in arrow on the sign and went right.
We got lost

Decided to trek up the extremely rural bush toward the top where we'd hope to find a trail.
Jon got there much faster than I, I'm down the mountain CONFUSED in this picture
It got hot. Off came the shirt
Then up went the hair

Then off went the shorts

Just kidding. But they did get shorter...


It got pretty steep. Me no likey the steep hikes. I took my time.
I would of liked 10 breaks, but Jonny only allowed maybe 5
The Pali is extremely dry and dead right now because we just haven't had enough rain. This trail is very popular between December through March, during the winter season here when it is more lush and green. Aside from the brown and yellow bush, the views of the island were great!

Lunch at the top
We decided instead of finishing by going down hill and then having to come all of the way back, we'd just turn around and go back after 3/4 of the hike. I don't have the leg muscles that my dear hubby has to be able to endure the 4.5/5 difficulty trail with a smile.
And what's that saying.... oh
Happy wife, happy life :)

The way back was so much fun. It was mostly downhill.
We played the old childhood game- "Don't touch the ground, it's lava!!" and hopped from rock to rock.
Which was fairly dangerous. Jonny had an Indiana Jones moment when the rock he jumped down from, unhinged and started after him! Haha
It's no hike without blood!

I challenged him to a water drinking contest afterwards
He won, obviously.
Then we got a very refreshing batch of Island Fro-Yo (frozen yogurt) in Lahaina 

Haha I realise we have enough pictures of my toes on this blog, but these were our feet/legs after the hike. Looks like Jon turned black, and that I have a super bad shoe tan. Thankfully it was mostly dirt and washed right off in the shower!

Stacking stones may seem spiritual and calming, which the above image sure is calming, but it doesn't actually mean anything. That's why this sign was posted over by the Nakalele Blowhole.
"Respect the Aina"
That means Respect the Land.
Hawaiians didn't stack those above rocks, tourists did. Hawaiians want the land left alone, let mother nature do it's thing.

Library Visit

Not just any library, Friends of the Library!
A hidden book store out in the boonies that takes a dirt road to get to.
Open odd days and hours.
The books inside are about 5 cents a book

The books on the outside are free

Sarah found an awesome 60's article on coke...

I found an old childhood favorite 

Work Accomplishments

Hula Grill celebrated their 17th Year Anniversary
They closed down the restaurant for 2 hours and invited everyone who've helped in the success to the restaurant. Free pupus (pronounced poo-poos, means appetizers in Hawaiian) and drinks!
I met up with some friends and continued our ventures at the bar next door, and ended at a friend's playing Xbox Kinect. I beat everyone at bowling- the boys had a real issue with that :)
Anyways, this is Kristin and I with the B-E-A-Utiful sunset that night!
Jonny got Employee of the Month at Pineapple Grill
Along with that came $100 toward dinner. 
So we went on Wine Wednesday
Half off of a bottle of wine!
We shared a bottle of wine and enjoyed a 4 course meal.
Maui viewings

This guy (along with his friends that are in the store) is campin' out in the truck bed while driving through town. There are coolers and reclining lawn chairs.
Only in Maui

Once a week I go to the Chiropractor. There's this spot where old men eat their food and feed the nearby birds. There are maybe 30+ birds there awaiting crumbs and bread pieces. Cute old men.

Line at Safeway
Packed beaches
School is out
All signs point to ---> The island is getting busier!

Maui No Ka OI

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome to Paia. Do Not Feed The Hippies


This past week my old bestie Melissa came for a visit. It was great to spend time with a girlfriend who gets me so well. We've known eachother since kindergarden, friends since third grade, best friends since Junior High.

The following is a photo journey of our week :)

Just picked Melissa up from the airport
Sole for a Soul. Buy a Flip Flop bottle of wine and they'll give
 a pair of shoes to a helpless soul who needs them most

Soles for Souls
(that lady struck up an endless convo with us after this picture)

The following pictures depict Paia perfectly

Paia's version of Trader Joe's

Woah! They have a Dharma Initiative Center all the way in Maui!! :)
Must be where the T.V. show Lost headed to next
(although it WAS filmed in Kaui!)

H.A. Baldwin Beach Park just out of Paia

Not the safest beach for parked cars

Got some fresh baked Ciabatta bread with Babybel cheese balls from Mana
and ate lunch on the beach

"I love falling asleep in your car" -Melissa


Introducing Melissa to the Kobe Beef burger at Cheeseburgers in Paradise.
Best beef for a burger you'll EVER have!

Friday night's Art walk in Lahaina. Free wine while perusing local art galleries.
This was taken in Anthony Hopkins' art gallery. Yes, "Claressssssse" Hannibal Lector's Anthony Hopkins paints now... He was going to be at the gallery Saturday to sell to some big clients. We wanted to crash it but it was closed to public

Lei circle set up for the upcoming wedding at Kapalua Beach

I tried to sneak a picture of the bride but i failed... there's her dress at the photographer :)


Honolua Bay

Slaughterhouse Beach

Kapalua Bay

Merrimans Kapalua Restaurant. A prime location at Kapalua Bay Beach. Merrimans was started by Peter Merriman,
 the Executive Chef of Hula Grill. For that reason, I also get 50% discount at this restaurant :)

Driving Upcountry

Tedeschi Winery

In the 1800s this was a wine tasting cabin, the main office and house of the mayor/big guy in charge, a storeage facility for booze, and a prison. Yup, all in one. Hmmm

Ali'i Lavender Farms

Sharing a Lavender scone with Lavender honey and Lavender and guava/lilikoi jam

Pounding the honey. With a stick...

That we did

Apple Banana mustache

Drooping flower, victim to gravity

Baby Maui Gold pineapple

Dessert pineapple, dessert pineapple wine, and a movie

Pineapple Grill breakfast

Forest. Forest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump

We talked Melissa into getting a feather hair extension

Feathered up

Tribal feet

My auntie showed us the fruit in the backyard and how to pick and find the ripe fruits

The heavy-duty papaya picker

Apple bananas, papayas, and mandarin oranges were ripe that day

D.T. Fleming Beach
Voted Best Beach in America 2006

Drinks. Music. Tanning. Reclining chairs. Reading. Spray on sun tan lotion...

Juggler Extraordinaire!

Stacking Extraordinaire!

We bored.
Water bottle cap?
5 Fingers?

We got pretty good at our made up game. Got some compliements by on lookers

Maui No Ka Oi