Wednesday, June 25, 2014

One Last Aloha to the Island of Maui

This almost 4-year long blog is unfortunately coming to and end because our Maui life has come to an end...
for now :)

Jon and I moved to Maui during an essential growing time in our lives: our early twenties. The early twenties people grow so much because of their new full independence. At this point, how an individual lives depends on how this individual spends their life and time: either at work, investing in relationships, finding new treasured hobbies, and learning about other perspectives and the world. I wouldn't have spent my early twenties anywhere else because of how my way of thinking was molded  through living in Maui during such an essential time in my life.

The spirit of Aloha has taught me so much. Yeah this "Aloha" word sounds like a cheesy term only used for the tourists, but it is very real. It's not just a way to say hello and goodbye (which we may use with each other sometimes) but it is this underlying appreciation and respect for others and the 'aina (land). When a random person on the street smiles and waves, they don't want something from you, they just want to share some aloha. When the car on the street lets you merge in from a parking lot, that's aloha. When the local next to you gives you tips on their favorite hiking spot, that's aloha. When a visitor asks for directions to their hotel from a local girl, and she literally drives in her truck to their hotel allowing them to follow so they won't get lost, that's aloha. When the locals go out snorkeling for 5 hours just to clean up the reef, that's aloha. When every local is conscious of not littering and their effect on their land and ocean, that's aloha. When thousands of Maui residents march against GMO through the main city of Kahului to demand for an organic safe food supply for the people of the island, that's aloha. It's this mutual respect and love that is one's leading motivation in life... and I haven't encountered this anywhere else in the world.

Not only have I learned the beauty of living your life with this spirit of Aloha, I've found new interests, hobbies, and theories in life that I had never explored before.

I found out that I can be a model and found this new rush from being on a Fashion Show's catwalk

My first Maui fashion show for a few Project Runway designers putting on a show at the Hyatt Maui
Maui Bridal Expo at the Westin

Huge fashion show at the MACC, that is a screen behind me on the runway zooming in on the models as we walk

And dancing around with a fellow model (who looked like Cinderella in Monarez's couture gown) at the conclusion of my last runway in April

I learned how fulfilling teaching dance can be for me when I am appreciated by my students/gym members

Filming for the FOX network show So You Think You Can Dance's holiday: National Dance Day 2012 where we got our footage on the show!!!!

A blurry Halloween Zumba party picture

Fun limbo after I finished teaching Zumba
Zumba in a Night Club, a series of events I co-hosted called NightLife Fitness

Filming for National Dance Day 2013
I had never felt so loved and appreciated as I did when having my last few Zumba classes at Valley Isle Fitness. They all signed (multiple) cards, "lei'd" me (gave me many leis with a kiss on the cheeck after putting it around my neck), and gifts to help along with my travels
Another cute card that says goodbye in many languages and the inside says "translation: THIS REALLY SUCKS!!" hehehe so cute :)
I learned how spiritual and fulfilling hiking in a beautiful place can be...

I found a new love for wine and food

Wine and food AND a view!

Love your FOOD, Love your WINE

I learned how essential a great group of friends is in life

Rockin out on the Hard Rock Cafe stage for a Bachelorette Party, me taking front stage as the Jane Fonda singer...

I (we) found a new passion for traveling and experiencing other cultures

New Zealand

Bilbo Baggin's house in Hobbiton
Santa Maria Novella Church in Florence

Manarola, Cinque Terre (Italy)
Vatican City in Rome
The Pantheon
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Il Campo Piazza in Siena
Capri, an island off of Southern Italy
Notre Dame in Paris
L'arc de Triomphe at the end of the Champs-Elysees
And I'm sure you recognize this...

I also learned from interacting with people from all over the world and through my studies how acceptance of others is so important in being able to love on and reach people from all walks of life. I learned to break out of my comfort zone with my lifestyle and people, but also that I treasure some alone time as well. I also continue to fall more and more in love with my husband (not sure that's possible, but it's happening).

Maui has meant so much to me and Jon but our new found wanderlust spirit has taken us off the island of Maui for new exploration opportunities. We were offered a fairly cheap place to stay in our hometown, Sacramento, and found ourselves at the point in our lives where traveling the world is at its best potential.... so we are going for it!! Next week we will be boarding a plane to New York (a pit-stop for Independence Day) and then landing in London to jet off on our European trip of a lifetime! But more on that later...

What our last few months looked like in Maui:

~~Hiking spots~~

The Oluwalu Hieroglyphs short trail:

And running barefoot through the muddy rainforest to the Twin Falls

You see, it was raining (as it does in tropical forests) and the muddy path became a mushy path. Rather than sinking in every step, getting stuck, and ruining our shoes, I came up with a challenge to Jon~~
We have to carry our shoes and go barefoot and  FIRST ONE TO HAVE TO PUT THEIR SHOES BACK ON LOOSES!! We had to run and hop through the forest trying to find mushy mud to run on or grass because there were sharp rocks everywhere. Now we just looked like mad people running barefoot through a rainforest but it was the most fun had had in weeks!! Of course we tied, because neither of us would give in until we got the car...

~I had one last modeling event, the Imua Family Services charity Fantasia Ball at the Hyatt~~

I didn't get any good shots from the show, but here is us posing afterwards
And "Cinderella" and I dancing afterwards
At the after party
~~We treasured some special relationships~~

Making homemade pasta with our besties Toni and Bradley (as we did with them in Florence at a homemade pasta cooking class in our chef's personal kitchen).

Dessert after, homemade panna cotta with fresh New Zealand caramel sauce :)
Enjoying food and wine after my last 2 shifts at Hula Grill

And our super fun going-away party at the beach

Held at Canoes Beach (can you guess why?)

A good friend Sixto from Zumba, he warmed my heart saying I was the reason and motivation for him becoming a Zumba instructor as well

and my closest girlfriends and I rocking out and singing in Ola's recording studio with the lights out and strobe/dance club lights on!

~~Reflecting on our time in Maui with some beautiful views~~

Mimosas at sunset

More mimosas at sunset
My friend Hernan painted this for me. He's an amazing up and coming artist!
Maui will always hold our hearts. Cheers to one last "Moving to Paradise" blog update on our life in Maui. Don't worry, you can find us on our next blog about traveling Europe! We'll blog from the road so stay tuned on our new blog website!!

At this point, we are debt-free, career-free, kid-free, and plan-free so we decided to seize this opportunity and go traveling for a couple of months! We have a vague layout of countries and areas to visit, but plan to leave it to God and chance our way through Europe using our tablet, booking apps, and Eurail pass while living out of a backpack. With no return plane ticket, we generally plan on a 3-4 month stay, but we'll see what happens! Check out our new blog at
to follow us on our new journey.

Maui No Ka Oi

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